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Environment and Wastewater Management


* To ensure that all wastewater of the industrialists in Antalya Organized Industrial Zone is connected to the sewer system, 
* Waste water collected by sewage line, having a capacity of 20.000 m3 / day, physical, chemical and biological wastewater treatment plant in optimum conditions to be treated in accordance with environmental activities, 
* Setting up necessary checks, setting the discharge permit report attached to the establishment's work permit license, 
* Make sure domestic leader garbage of all industrialists in the region are collected, 
* Prevention can prevent environmental problems, prevent environmental problems, and cause environmental problems, 
* Regional management, waste reduction, clean production, waste management etc.


Sewerage System and Connection Conditions

In our region, which is about 30 km, there are long sewerage network and 3 wastewater pumping pumping stations. In order to enable the companies that are engaged in production to connect to the sewerage network; The discharge limits specified in the Waste Water Connection and Tariff Regulation prepared in 2003 should be met. Firms that do not meet the discharge limits are obliged to establish a PRE-TREATMENT PLANT. After the production of the companies, periodic samples are taken from the plants having industrial wastewater and analyzed in the treatment plant laboratory. The bottlenecks and faults in the sewerage network are interfered by the staff of the Regional Directorate. Domestic and Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant The wastewater treatment plant, which was designed according to 20.000 m3 / day covering the whole of our region, was constructed in a short period of 9 months in 2002 and in the first stage of 10.000 m3 / day was put into operation in 2003. In line with the increasing needs, another 10,000 m3 / day of the project was completed in 2007 and completed in a period of 5 months and the capacity was expanded to 20,000 m3 / day. The area allocated for the 1st and 2nd stage of the treatment plant is 47.464 m2. The facility has physical, chemical and biological treatment, sludge dewatering and deodorization units. The property is operated under 24-hour supervision. Detailed information about our wastewater treatment plant can be found at the Waste Water Treatment Plant.


Domestic and Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant 

The wastewater treatment plant, which was designed according to 20.000 m3 / day covering the whole of our region, was constructed in a short period of 9 months in 2002 and in the first stage of 10.000 m3 / day was put into operation in 2003. In line with the increasing needs, another 10,000 m3 / day of the project was completed in 2007 and completed in a period of 5 months and the capacity was expanded to 20,000 m3 / day. The area allocated for the 1st and 2nd stage of the treatment plant is 47.464 m2. The facility has physical, chemical and biological treatment, sludge dewatering and deodorization units. The property is operated under 24-hour supervision. Detailed information about our wastewater treatment plant can be found at the Waste Water Treatment Plant


How to obtain a Discharge Permit Report? 

For the parcel of the island that is requested to issue the discharge permit report, apply to the Regional Directorate. The facility is checked by the unit authorities. Connection of rain water to sewer is PROHIBITED. Domestic wastewater should be connected to sewage system. Companies with industrial wastewater should make balancing ponds and sampling chimneys. It is checked whether the results of the analysis of the three consecutive samples taken from the sampling chimney on different days provide discharge limits to the sewer. In case of limitation, documents are issued. If it is observed that the sample taken from industrial waste water does not meet the limit values, a PRE-TREATMENT PLANT must be established to meet these limits. If pre-treatment limits are provided, a certificate is issued. Garbage Collection Service The collection of domestic and domestic garbage of all industrialists in the region is provided by our Regional Directorate. There is no fee for the garbage collection service. Each industrial facility supplies the garbage container as much as it needs. Each facility that provided its container and reported to the Regional Directorate can benefit from the garbage collection service. The rubbish is collected five days a week, with two garbage trucks, 1st and 2nd regions, Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday-Friday.


Industrial Symbiosis and Clean Production 

Project Click here for detailed information about Industrial Symbiosis and Clean Production Project in Antalya OSB which we started in September 2015 for waste reduction and clean production. You can send and receive the wastes you can take and fill out the Industrial Symbiosis Participation Form and send them to antalyaosb@antalyaosb.org.tr. Our Awards: Association of Turkey Healthy Cities, the negative effects caused by industrialization to promote environmental investments made in order to minimize, in order to provide an increased sensitivity to the environment has been urged through the 46 member municipalities and nominated our facility by the Metropolitan Municipality, Turkey Union of Healthy Cities in the March 1st, 2013 '' ENVIRONMENTAL PLANT AWARD ''. As a result of the cooperation of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization and OIZ, the OIZs that are in compliance with the environment and the laws are selected according to the Dünya Selection and Application of the Most Environmentalist OIZ Project Procedures and Principles OS. He was selected and awarded.