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Antalya OSB announces 2018 training programs to the regional industrialists with the launch of the new training year. The Education Man of the Year Award was presented to Prof. Dr. On the project of Refreshing University. Dr. Ismail Tufan's.

The launching of the 2018 training programs prepared by the Antalya Organized Industrial Zone Directorate for the personnel working in the companies operating in the region was realized with the participation of the Regional Directorate of Atatürk Conference Hall. 36 programs on vocational, personal and corporate development trainings Lasnmana where regional industrialists were informed, Antalya OSB Chairman Ali Bahar, Board Members Hasanali Gönen, Fatih İncir, Mustafa Yayla, Members of the Board of Trustees Ahmet Kasapoğlu, Fatin Tapcı, Ahmet Bülbül, Abdullah Erdal Konya, Mustafa Secret, Regional Director İlhan Metin, TSE Mediterranean Regional Coordinator Hüseyin Özdamar, representatives of public institutions and organizations participated. With the eti Training Man of the Year l award, the company received a plaque of appreciation to the trainers and its staff and instructors.


To transform the perception of a growing elderly population in Turkey and to create a unique old university established in the University of the Mediterranean refresh the project architect University Professor Dr. İsmail Tufan was selected as the Training Person of the Year by Antalya OSB. Prof. Dr. Öztürk, who has given personal development trainings in many areas, especially health, has put people into practice. Dr. President Bahar gave the award to Tufan.


In the opening speech of the launch, Bahar stated that they had carried out 149 training programs to this day in the scope of the education campaign that they started as of the second half of 2015, and that they had given 5 thousand 432 certificates in total. The company has benefited from education services of 139 regional companies and in this way, in the in-service training expenditures, 2 million 123 thousand TL savings have been achieved since 2015. Spring, bu The source of technology, economy and innovation is education. And every second with education is the future investment. In the first days of the education campaign that we started 3 years ago, we had difficulty filling the minimum quota of our classes. Today, due to intensive applications, we open most of our classes into two groups. We are now setting an example for many other organized industrial zones, producing in a more advanced ecosystem. We achieved this success and quality with the support and interest of our valuable industrialists. I thank everyone who contributed. We will continue to live together, to be alive together. We will continue to be in favor of productive and improved, ve he said.