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The industrialists of Antalya OSB are about to face a new raise to the costs, just after the April 26th raise of 26.88% to electricity.

In the last five months, the hikes and tariff changes in electricity generated a significant increase in the input costs of the industrial industrialists in Antalya. With the Communiqué on the Last Source Tariff Regulation entered into force in April, the OIZ industrialists, which increased their electricity bills by 26.88 percent in the period of April-July 2018, are about to face the rise in tariff changes that will be effective as of August. The price increase of 49.5 percent of the price of natural gas caused a 26 percent increase in Electricity Market Clearing Price (PTF). If this situation is reflected in the electricity bills of the industrialists of the Antalya Industrial Zone, the cost of electricity input for the industrialist of the Region will be increased by 52.88 percent in the last 5 months.


Stating that the sector was hampered by the hikes, Mr. Ali Bahar, Chairman of the Antalya Organized Industrial Zone, said, uğ We were faced with the opposite situation while waiting for the support and incentives to be produced in order to generate more employment and to create more added value and to ease the burdens on the shoulders of the industrialists. Among the biggest input costs of industrial plants, the successive increases in electricity caused us to become unable to breathe. These increases will adversely affect industrial production, employment and exports. In today's harsh competition conditions, it is not easy for our industrialists to bear such a heavy burden. As such, it is highly probable that production will halt or the number of personnel be reduced. Inflation will be the reflection of these increases to the public.


Noting that the increase in electricity bills will not be limited to this, Bahar said, 1 The increase in PTF prices, which were 210 TL / MWH, to the level of 265 TL / MWH as of August 1, increased by 26 percent, which is the beginning. Furthermore, the cost of YEKDEM foreseen for the year 2018 was re-determined for the July-December period, while the average cost of YEKDEM for the July-December 2018 period was realized as TL 38.62 / MWH while it was increased to 51.32 TL / MWH. The cost average of YEKDEM is a separate increase item that we have not mentioned so far. This causes the input costs of industrialists to be unpredictable. Investing in a system that cannot be planned tomorrow is as difficult and dangerous as finding your way through the darkness.



Bahar to remove the barriers to industrial production and the implementation of applications and tariffs to breathe industrialists demanding the spring, san Producing more and more difficult every day. Industrialists, who put their hands under control for the development and strengthening of our country and our nation, began to lose blood. While we are waiting with the hopes of opening our wounds, we encounter the tariffs and practices that cause the opening of new wounds. We want to feel the strong hand of our state as a comforting force on our shoulders.