Organized Industrial Zones Implementation Regulation was revised and published in the official newspaper. Stating that the new regulation will ease the investor, Antalya OSB President Ali Bahar said that they are satisfied with the Ministry's interest in organized industrial zones and the industrial sector.
The Regulation on Implementation of Organized Industrial Zones, which was re-organized, was published in the official newspaper on 2 February and entered into force. The new regulation, which paves the way for OSBs to become more investment-friendly production areas, made many important changes from general assembly processes to land allocation procedures and principles.
The process of calling for the collection of ordinary and extraordinary general assemblies was revised in the new regulation prepared by the Ministry of Industry and Technology, NGOs, industrialists, organized industrial zones and the Organization of Organized Industrial Zones (OSBÜK). Ministry, within 15 days of the completion of the documents within 15 days to send the first general assembly to the enterprising committee, the first general assembly of the enterprising committee, the Ministry within the six months following the date of notification of the instruction. In the absence of a general assembly call, the final decision will be made by the Ministry of Industry and Technology.
In the industrial parcels with the regulation, the expiration requirements were also expanded. The structure and structure principles were rearranged according to the technical requirements and the implementation was more transparent in the zoning plan suspension processes. In addition, the establishment of facilities producing energy from wastes in the OSBs was also opened. The facilities that produce electricity from solar and wind can be opened for the needs of OIZ and participants. The facilities can be constructed in the joint reinforcement area of the OSB legal entity.
The speed of transition of the parcels related to land allocation in OSBs was also increased. In land allocation processes, the investment was further facilitated. The OSBs will share the information on their unallocated parcels in a complete and accurate manner so that speculative land allocation and sales will be prevented. Investors' land allocation applications will be finalized within 30 days. If the investor is rejected, the reasoned decision will be notified to the investor and the Ministry within 15 days.
OSBs and participants will be able to supply waste from the OSB for the full utilization of the capacity of the treatment or waste treatment facilities. OSBs will be authorized for disposal of excavation waste in the region. Participants who have received the construction license and have not received the license to open a workplace and work permit within the specified period were given another chance, the extension periods were restarted. Many industrialists who started to invest and did not complete their investment were faced with losing the land allocation. This allowed the participants to complete their investments.
Addressing the natural gas conversion plants located in organized industrial zones but having to stop production, Bahar said: Bahar many natural gas conversion plants within the OSBs are in a difficult situation or even wreck. This is because the price of electricity and natural gas prices do not match. Intervention as a ministry will ensure that the national wealth is not wasted. Again, opening the front for renewable energy resources to be made in the common areas of OSB is an important step for increasing energy production and getting cheaper energy from OSBs.
President Bahar, who emphasized that the electricity price used by the industrialists is higher than the electricity price used in the houses and expects to take concrete steps in this regard, u The fact that the energy price is so high when competing with the world compels us seriously. Also; Loan Guarantee Fund (KGF) focused loans should be provided to the producer with industrial registry certificate. This support should be made to companies and exporters with industrial registration certificate for full capacity operation of our factories. It is also an investment for the manufacturer to reach full capacity. In fact, it is more valuable than a new investment in order to protect, maintain and maintain its sustainability.